Thoughts on Class Assignments

(Using the new year to continue growing and learning. Image Link.)

I'm excited to get started and really see what this class is all about. So far it is not like any other class I have taken which is both exciting and slightly nerve wracking (just because I don't know what exactly to expect). I feel like I've done more writing in the first week than I do during the entire semester for other courses. The storytelling aspect will be interesting for me. I read a lot but I have never seriously considered writing something of my own. I hope I am able to entertain at least myself with whatever I come up with. The extra credit opportunities sound like fun ways to learn about other topics outside of what we are reading. Going down Wikipedia trials is something I do almost everyday so getting extra credit for something I am already doing is a good deal. I also think the extra credit will keep the class from getting repetitive with the same routine and types of stories.


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