Introduction to the Soon Graduating Mariah

Hello~ My name is Mariah. I am an Environmental Sustainability: Planning and Management senior. I graduated high school in Arizona but I have lived in North Dakota, Texas, Arkansas, and Oklahoma so home just ends up being wherever I am at the moment. I am equally excited and not excited about graduating in May. I'm not sure what I want to do after graduation, whether it be get a job or continue with school, so it can be a little stressful when people always ask. Right now my dream job would be working at a cosmetics company and making the products more environmentally friendly.

The coolest thing I've ever done is study abroad in Seoul, South Korea (my favorite place). I always have a story to share, which can sometimes make my friends and family a little crazy. I had wanted to travel abroad for as long as I could remember and actually following through with it was amazing. Even though some days were hard I had a lot of fun and would recommend Korea or just studying abroad in general to everyone. I lived with a Korean family where I met one of my best friends, another exchange student living with the same family. This past Thanksgiving break I went to London to visit my friend and decided that I need to return to Korea soon, but that's a story for another time.

I am a peer mentor for international students which is always fun. Every semester when the new students come, I get to mentor/guide/befriend a group of about 10 super cool people from other countries. When I don't have the money to travel abroad I can live vicariously through their stories of their home cities.

I already don't remember what classes I took last semester so that tells you how memorable they were. My favorite class from my time at OU though was Intro to Buddhism. Dr. Goble is great, 10/10 would recommend, and the topic was really interesting. That class, along with already being interested in Indian culture from watching Bollywood/Indian movies, is probably why this class caught my attention. (I originally wanted to study abroad in India but at the time the only school OU had a partnership with didn't offer any courses that would count towards my degree.)

I like Disney movies, kpop, audiobooks, and the podcast Stuff You Should Know. I wish I had more time to be crafty. Back in the good ole K-12 days I took an art class every year but sometimes OU offers major only classes like we aren't all paying a lot of money so I haven't taken a proper art class since high school. I used to be good at taking care of plants but now my hamster Moon Moon takes all my time.
(My hamster Moon Moon-photo taken by me)


  1. Hi Mariah! It's so awesome to finally meet someone else that wants to work with cosmetics! I am currently working on my chemical engineering degree with the hopes of being about to oversee production of products on a mass scale. Also, I see you went to Seoul! That is so cool! I'm actually saving up money this semester to visit South Korea over the summer, and I can't wait! And I love k-pop too! I tend to go back and forth between American music and k-pop, but I am definitely in my k-pop phase right now. I can't stop listening to Seventeen's "Getting Closer". You should definitely check it out, if you haven't listened to it already!

  2. Hey Mariah, I think it's super cool you have a hamster and the name Moon Moon is adorable. My roommate also has a hamster, she named her Nugget, but between us, I think Moon Moon is cuter. I also think it's awesome you went to Seoul. I have a friend that also studied abroad in Seoul and he loved it. He's told me a bunch of stories and it sounds amazing.

  3. That is so cool you were able to visit Seoul! I have several friends who are stationed there for the military. I have heard it is a very cool place and that there is quite the night life there. I have never traveled that far but I would love to. I love learning about other cultures as well, it's fascinating to learn about their customs and history.

  4. Hi Mariah! It is great to meet you. It is super cool that you have been able to call so many places home. I'm sure you have fond memories to take with you on every move. Seol would be such a fun trip to go on. I haven't traveled in awhile, but I have been thinking about going to London in the near future! Also, if you are ever interested in art, OU usually has workshops every year where you can make some form of art in the union. I have went two years in a row; it was a blast! You should definitely check it out!

  5. How cool, Mariah! I really like the idea of combining cosmetics and sustainability like that. You made me curious so I Googled, and yes, sustainable cosmetics are a thing in India too! Google Search Results... maybe that is something you could turn into a Storybook idea; not just environmental stories in general, but environmental stories connected with cosmetics ingredients!
    And how great to know about Dr. Goble's Buddhism class. I start this semester with those Buddhist Jataka tales because the Buddhist tradition is a huge part of ancient Indian storytelling, and if you want to do some more Buddhist reading later in the semester, you can definitely do that!
    Plus your hamster is adorable! Maybe you will add Moon-Moon to the Padlet of Pets, where there are no hamsters... yet! Here's the "Pet Padlet" -- Padlet Tech Tips, which is a fun way to do an extra credit Tech Tip thing. :-)

  6. Hi Mariah! Wow, you seem to live a pretty exciting life and always doing something! First of all your dream job sounds super awesome and with the make up work booming the way it is I am sure you will be able to get your foot in a door. You are the first person I have met who studied in South Korea through OU and I can only imagine how interesting and different it was. I have never been to an Asian country but when the time comes I will definitely look more into South Korea. Look Forward to reading more of your work in this class this semester!

  7. Hey Mariah.

    I want to start off by saying that Moon Moon is gosh dang adorable! That's super cool that you were able to study in South Korea. Was the food as amazing has I have heard it is? Also, your dream job is very respectable. I think all companies should move towards a more environmentally friendly method, and I didn't even think about how the cosmetics industry was impacting the environment. I hope you're able to land a job at Fenty Beauty, as I hear they're pretty environmentally friendly according to my girl friend. Also, when it comes to letters of recommendation, I always start off with a quick compliment like "I really enjoyed your class" first, as I have found it's an easier transition into the actual request. Best of luck with graduation!

  8. Hi Mariah!

    In my four years at OU, I have yet to meet someone from Arizona so that is awesome that you graduated from there! Although I have attended seven different school in my primary years, I spent a majority of my time in Arizona and think it is one of the most beautiful states! Also, I think it is super cool you took advantage of OU's study abroad program and were able to go to South Korea! Studying abroad was something I was intrigued in, but never had the time, money, or guts to do it so I am super impressed you went for it and had a great time!

  9. Hey Mariah! I am also a senior here at OU! Just like you I am constantly moving and so home is wherever I am living at the time. I have moved over seven times so I have gotten pretty good at adapting. That sounds like a pretty cool dream job. Have you looked into how to get into that job or start that job? I would look into researching companies that are looking at how to make their products more environmentally friendly.
    I also agree with you about studying abroad being the best experience. I went to Spain for a short time and loved every second of it. I have also had the opportunity to go to Seoul, South Korea and it is a very nice place. I went to this fun amusement park when I was there.

  10. Hi Mariah!
    I think it is wonderful that want to work with sustaining the environment. This issue is so crucial right now because we humans are harming the world. I was born in America, but my parents are from South Korea. I am glad you enjoyed studying abroad in Korea. I think I may go in the summer! I love how invested you are in other people's cultures. I really like my Korean culture and Spanish culture.
    Your classmate,
    Joanna Yoon

  11. Hi Mariah! At first, I didn't make the connection between your major and wanting to work int he cosmetics industry. I had never really considered the environmental impact of my makeup. That's really cool though! It's neat that you get to mentor students. I used to mentor engineering freshman through the Dean's Leadership Council program. As for your last question, to ask for a letter of recommendation, the first step is to pick the right professor. It should be someone whos class you were active in, went to their office hours, etc. If they don't know you, they can't write a good letter of recommendation. Then, just go ask! I would go to their office; it's better to ask in person. Then, just explain what the letter is for, and say something along the lines of "I'd be very appreciative if you would write a letter of recommendation for me." Professors get asked for letters all the time, and will probably be more than happy to do it.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.


  13. Hello Mariah. Looks like you’ve moved around a few times. Montana has to be one of the most beautiful places in the contenintal United States in my experience. I have yet to see how it measure up to places abroad. I imagine you might have an opinion on that! A good friend of mine taught English as a second language in Seoul. He spent two years there and had a blast. He is never short of stories either. If you ever want to go back for a couple of years, I hear the process is fairly easy to get through. Good luck post graduation wherever you end up!

  14. Hi Mariah!
    I think it is really great that you want to work on making cosmetics more environmentally friendly and sustainable, and I wish you all the luck in achieving that goal! I definitely agree that travelling and living in a different country is such a great learning and growing experience. Besides Korea, if you could choose another place in the world to travel to where would it be? :) It was nice to meet you!

  15. Ugh! I'm so jealous you got to visit Seoul! It's on my bucket list of to-dos/to-visits. I've never met someone who's been super into cosmetics to the point of wanting to work in that field, I find that super amazing! I wish a lot of products were more environmentally friendly. I'd never thought of makeup as having such an impact on the environment till recently. Moon Moon looks absolutely adorable, I used to have hamsters as a kid and I miss them dearly.

  16. Hi Mariah!

    It is so cool what you do as a major. I have always wondered what type of classes you take. It is so important to be educated on the environment, so I am glad we have people like you who take the time to do that and help us plebs learn more haha. I love that you enjoy studying about other countries and traveling abroad. I wish you would have had time to take Intro to Hinduism because that was an enjoyable class. That class was such a success that they created a new course that discussed the politics and history of the division of India back during Gandhi's time. I am so excited to see what you think of this course!

  17. Hi Mariah,

    It is so cool that you studied abroad in Seoul! Do you speak Korean?

    I really like the way you set up your blog. The background picture seems to fit perfectly with all of the traveling you've done. I cannot lie, I am a little jealous. I love to travel but haven't traveled near as much as you. I am excited to read your stories this semester! I imagine that you will able to bring a lot of experience in them so that gives me something to really look forward to!

  18. Hi hi Mariah,,

    It's nice to see a fellow podcast enthusiast on here! What's your favorite moment from a podcast? Mine is when Eddie Bravo crashed the meeting between Alex Jones and Joe Rogan and then Alex demanded that Eddie choke him out, and I spend my days listening to the insane ramblings of various madmen on the internet.

    However, I must say that I despise traveling. Every time I go to a foreign country, they present a facade of what they want tourists to see, unless the country is Greece, whereupon rabid dogs roam the countryside and orphaned children with no legs beg on the sidewalk. Regardless, you either get lied to or have to deal with extortionist street vendors. The only exception to this is Hong Kong, where I have some family. They introduce me to a more realistic side of Hong Kong, it's not "drop the economy like a bass" Greece, but it's not a puffed up lie like France or Alaska. I still hated it though.

  19. Mariah, it sounds like you have been a lot of places. Your dream job seems very interesting and I would be interested to see how your environmental sustainability degree factors into your dream job. I’ve never been to South Korea, but I am sure that it is wonderful. I want to go as well one day because I think Korean culture is fascinating. Best of luck to you on your furutre endeavors.

  20. Hey Mariah, it appears that the randomizer generator on our class assignment webpage has directed me back to your intro once again! I hope all is well with you this semester! I have enjoyed reading your stories, particularly your story about the brother bears, Koda and Kenai. Keep up the good work. I can’t wait to read more from your blog.

  21. Mariah, 안녕하세요! I love Korean culture as well, and am currently (attempting) to learn Korean. It's so cool to be able to communicate with someone in an entirely different language. I think it's pretty awesome that you're an international student mentor. International students are some of the coolest people I've met in college. Maybe because it's the forming of bonds that last across continents? Just think, if you ever visit their country, you can hit them up and visit. Nice to meet you, Mariah!

  22. Hi Mariah,
    I think it's super cool that you're studying environmental sustainability! I've met a couple of students with similar majors and they're all super kind and seem to have some passion about the environment (I hope they would!). I've tried to enroll in the study abroad programs offered here at OU, but I can never afford to go, even with the scholarships I get awarded! But I'm glad you got to go - I've heard it can be such a wonderful experience. Are you a part of the OU Cousin's group? You mentioned you are a peer mentor for a number of foreign students, so that's why I ask. Good luck after graduation!

  23. Hi Mariah!
    I think it is so so cool that you studied abroad in South Korea. My "big" is doing Fulbright there right now and it looks like such a fun place to explore. I studied abroad as well, but I did Semester at Sea (I lived on a ship and sailed around to 10 different countries). And I can say the same about the impact that it had on my life- I always have something to say about that semester.

  24. Hi Mariah! Great to meet you! I think it is awesome you lived in North Dakota. My dad grew up there, so most of my family is still there. I go up there 1-2 times a year. The only thing I can’t get over is how cold it can get there. When I went there in February it was -40 degree windchill!

  25. Hi Mariah! I think it is so cool that you are studying environmental sustainability, truly such a beneficial field! I think it is a very selfless field because it affects so many people on such a large scale. That is cool that you lived in North Dakota! I visited there once and I thought it was such a pretty area. Very chilly compared to Oklahoma though! Good luck with the rest of your semester!

  26. Hi Mariah! I think it’s so cool that you’re majoring In Environmental Sustainability. And don’t worry about what the next step is after you graduate. Everyone has their own timeline and it’s okay if you’re not sure what you want to do next.
    I can’t believe you’ve been to Korea! I’ve always wanted to go there and explore their culture and food!what was your most favorite thing to do while you were there?


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