Week 2 Reading Overview

I chose this image of Rama confronting Ravana because I want to learn more about this battle and what happened surrounding the incident. Image Link

For the readings I will choose the public domain Ramayana because
(1) it's free
(2) I like that there is audio to listen to
(3) there are images to supplement my visual learning side
I think the R.K. Narayan version would be interesting to read but since OU moved the bookstore I have a hard time making it to campus corner (and I know it's only $4 but I'm trying to save money).

The first comic that looked interesting was Tales of Balarama. Since I am always interested in the environment, the story of changing the geography of India caught my attention. I also want to learn more about Revati.

The other comic is Parashurama. I was a little confused during the summary but that made me want to better understand what is happening in the story. Parashurama spending the rest of his time as a hermit is kind of funny considering his background. I want to know more about how it ended that way.

I have heard of Diwali so I want to watch the video A Diwali Story: Rama and Sita Defeat Ravana, the Demon King to see if what I think I know matches up.

I'd also like to watch Sacred Trees because again I like the environment and am interested in what the role of nature is in these stories.


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