Growth Mindset Thoughts

(Image taken from Twitter, Vera Jones)

I had not heard of 'growth mindset' specifically but I knew about the ideas behind it for awhile. The fixed and growth mindset ideas are interesting to read about but in my own life, I haven't seen any institutional changes from one to another. For myself, I think it depends on the topic if I have a fixed mindset vs a growth mindset. If it's a topic I don't like (for whatever reason) I tell myself I will never be good at it because I don't have the talent to be successful, and as a result will likely quit trying. If it's a topic I enjoy, I will try harder to learn more and be successful. When I was still pre-med I was taking the required chemistry and math courses. I wasn't getting the grades I wanted so instead of working harder, believing that I could improve my knowledge I would blame OU for placing such an emphasis on the grade from a final product.

Unconsciously I have been applying a growth mindset in other parts of my life. I think this could be an example, my gym does group training so we all do the same workout at the same time. Sometimes it's hard to watch people run laps around me while I'm struggling but I know that everyone is different and so are their circumstances. I just have to say to myself to keep pushing through and worry about my progress and not what other people are doing.

I'm starting my last semester at OU and know better now how I like to learn. Being encouraged to think outside the norms or complete assignments that focus more on the process than the final answer is where I have been most successful. I don't think one approach is the single answer for all people but it would be appreciated if other methods of thought and learning could be considered for those who like to learn a different way. It's a bit difficult to change a mindset so I've had to pay attention to what Carol Dweck is saying but I think I have a pretty good idea now. Over the semester as the mindset is applied I should have a better grip on it. The image above has a quote that I will be thinking a lot about while I figure out what I want to do after I graduate in May.


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