Reading Notes: Ramayana Part D

Sita with her sons
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The story is starting to take a dark turn.
Ravana tries to trick Sita into thinking Rama is dead but his tricks don't work as usual.
Indrajit fights dirty.
Kumbhakarna is supposed to be this big bad warrior but he is easily defeated by Rama. Indrajit seems to be the better warrior.
Hanuman brings back a whole mountain to help heal the monkeys.
Vibhishana gives advice that would've been helpful many battles before. They are finally successful in defeating Indrajit.
Rama was ready to join Lakshmana in the afterlife, something I don't Ravana wasn't doing as his brothers died. But Lakshmana is healed by Hanuman.
It's interesting how the gods decide when and when not to intervene with Rama's mission.
Sometimes I just don't understand why the advise and weapons needed to kill Ravana show up way later when they should have been around to help Rama.
I don't think Rama is being fair to Sita. I do like how Sita stands up for herself at least a little bit. It's ridiculous that the gods have to come down to tell Rama how wrong he is.
The truth about who Rama and Sita are comes out.
Has all of this really happened in 14 years?
Rama is an idiot. Sita is my favorite character in this entire epic.

I realized after reading all four parts that I should've focused my notes on a few stories and not take notes on each story. For the next epic I'll try to focus on the chapters that catch my attention the most.

Ramayana Online: Public Domain Edition, Reading Part D, Source 


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