Reading Notes: Eastern Stories and Legends Part B

Wise Elephant
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The Bull That Demanded Fair Treatment- You should not let people walk all over you when you know you are worth way more than that. As the title says, you should demand what you deserve(even though I don't love that word).
The Bull That Proved His Gratitude- The Bull thought that he needed to do something extravagant to help his mother out but once he did she didn't think it necessary to exhaust himself for her. She was appreciative and he stayed by her side until her death.
The Horse That Held Out to the End- I interpreted this story a lot different than the Master explained it at the end. I was thinking the horse was in it for the good of the team, a good soldier ready to give it all up for the cause.
The Monkey That Saved the Herd- Using a bit of innovation and wit, the Monkey King was able to hydrate his team without getting eaten by the water ogre.
The Mallard That Asked for Too Much- The mallard wanted to help his family but they got greedy and he lost his ability to provide support.
The Merchant Who Overcame All Obstacles- Be careful not to give up too soon. One more step could bring you to your desired conclusion.
The Elephant That Was Honored in Old Age- The king took away the honors the she-elephant had just because she was old. It took the Buddha to step in and remind the king that life long hard work should be rewarded with a comfortable retirement.
The Faithful Friend- Friends are important for a fulfilling life. Animals have friends too and we should be careful when separating them.

Eastern Stories and Legends, Marie Shedlock, Source


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