Week 11 Story: Parijata

Parijata Tree also known as Indian Coral Tree
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From my place in the high heavens, under the watchful care of Sachi, I observed the happenings in the universe around me. Over the years I grew a fascination with Earth. The ability of its residents to both awe and disgust me was incredible. When the humans showed kindness and love, all I wanted was to experience those positive emotions with them. Sometimes when a special few had the opportunity to visit the heavens, I'd stretch my branches as close to them as possible. They were just so interesting!

I wanted to tell my precious caretaker Sachi my longing to visit Earth but could never work up the courage. She was so attached to me I felt terrible to say out loud I wished to leave her side, even if it were to be a quick separation. One day, when Indra was sitting under my leaves, I requested that if such an occasion came up for me to be sent to Earth he would allow me to go. After some contemplation he agreed. We both knew how devastated Sachi would be if she knew what we were discussing so we never mentioned it again.

Seemingly out of nowhere the time came for my trip to Earth. Krishna and his wife appeared in the heavens to talk with Aditi. I'm not sure of the details although it's safe to assume Krishna did something wonderful as usual and Aditi was offering him a wish. Admirably, Krishna did not want for anything so he asked his wife Satyabhama if her heart desired a gift from the God. I thought she would decline just as her husband did but no- she asked for me! I was shocked. For all this time I had thought I wanted to go to Earth. Now that the opportunity had presented itself I no longer wished to leave my life in the Heavens with Sachi.

Watching Krishna, I could see his hesitation to ask Aditi for his wife's request. He understood just as well as anyone else how upset Sachi would be if I left. Satyabhama though threw a fit quite unfitting for a refined woman married to Krishna and questioned her husband's devotion to her. Too exhausted to fight another battle he relented, asking Aditi for me. Sachi demanded Indra stop this nonsense but in the end I was sent along to Earth.

For many years I lived in Dwarka. There were some interesting moments; overall it was lonely. In the beginning, Satyabhama visited me but soon forgot her gift from the Gods. Krishna felt guilty and visited with me long after his wife abandoned me. He told me stories of his friend the Great Banyan tree, who I also admire. Krishna was very busy though so most of my time on Earth was spent alone. Oh how I missed Sachi and Indra and the heavens above. I was learning the meaning of never knowing a good thing until it's gone.

Hope was within me still. As a condition of my gifting, I was to return to the heavens once Krishna's soul had left his body. I didn't want him to die, he was my only close friend on Earth afterall, but I wanted to go home. On a particularly ominous day, there was a strange sensation beginning in my roots. Before anyone else in Dwarka knew what was happening to Krishna, I felt the wound he had been given. I knew my time on Earth was coming to an end. It wasn't much longer until all of Dwarka knew of Krishna's death. After funeral rites were performed and members of his family sacrificed themselves, the common people left for a new city. Left alone, I prayed for the Gods to bring me home. Just as the destructive waves brushed against my bark I was raised from the ground.

When I awoke I was back in my wonderful home. Sachi was caring for any scratches I had acquired over the years from human neglect and made me perfect once again. I was so happy to see her! I confessed to telling Indra I wanted to visit Earth but how I regretted such a thought the moment it became reality. Sachi smiled knowingly at me. She said it had been destined from the beginning for me to experience such a journey.

As time went on, I shared my stories from Earth with Indra, Sachi, and anyone else who wanted to listen. Occasionally I will see Krishna around the heavens. He likes to stop by and update me on how the Great Banyan tree is doing. I will sometimes feel a twinge of longing for my time on Earth during these conversations. It's never strong enough though for me to want to return. I am perfectly happy where I am now.

Author's Note:
This story is told in the point of view of the Parijata tree. My storybook follows various trees found in India and when I came across the Parijata in Krishna's stories I thought I'd combine my two sites together. Indra and his love Sachi possessed this tree in the heavens. When Krishna's wife Satyabhama requested the Parijata it was sent back to earth with them. Krishna is granted the tree as long as it is returned at Krishna's death. In the end, as Dwarka is destroyed the tree makes its way back to Sachi. The portions I took from the 'Shri Krishna of Dwarka' are found in Chapters 10 & 13.

Bibliography: Shri Krishna of Dwarka, C.A. Kincaid, Source


  1. Hi Mariah!
    This story of yours is really great! I love how you told the story in the first-hand perspective of the Parijata tree. You did a really good job of personifying the tree and making it seem as if the tree were an actual person. I felt like I was in the head of the tree and could understand the way it was feeling. Good job!

  2. Hey Mariah! I really enjoyed reading your story titles Parijata. The order in which the story unfolded was clear and easy to follow along so, as a reader, that was really nice. The only suggestion I would like to make is to make the image of the Parijata tree a little bit larger. It’s tough to see the details when it’s smaller!

  3. Hi Mariah, Excited to have read my first story of yours. I have not made it to your story book yet so I really enjoyed reading my first story in the eye of one of the trees you are studying. I liked how your tree was not on earth and had the feelings of a human wanting to see what the world was like so bad.

  4. Hi Mariah! I really liked your story! You are a very good and creative writer. I like how you changed who was telling the story. It really gives us a new insight into a story most of us have read in class. Also thanks for making the tree seem like a living thing and not something that has no idea what would be going on!

  5. Hi Mariah! Great job with your story. I also really enjoyed the picture that you chose to include with it. I think it does a great job to add some imagery in that helps readers feel more immersed in the story you are telling. I really like the in-depth characteristics and feelings you added to the tree because it made it seem so realistic. Great job! I hope I get to read more of your stories in the future! Good luck with the rest of your semester!


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