
Showing posts from 2019

Week 14 Lab: Storybook Research

Peepal Tree Image Link Guide to the Peepal Very long life- 900-3000 years Can live in almost any climate; sometimes considered a weed because of its invasiveness Ashwattha means a very large tree first-known depicted tree in India Sacred fig trees meditate beneath/around as a mark of worship can be worshipped to escape contagious diseases and enemies vriksha rajaya namah- salutation to the king of trees ancient stories tell of many times the tree was destroyed by jealous naysayers; faithful supports always regrow it cutting down a peepal is as great a sin as murdering a Brahmin; whoever does so will surely go to hell one who plants the tree may be liberated from the bond of life and death anyone who water the tree should earn merit for his descendents, sorrows redeemed and diseased cured Sita is believed to have sat under this tree too; somehow this lady has sat under every tree in India there was an incident in which the demons defeated the deiti...

Week 13 Story: Value

When Values Are Uneven Image Link There once was an administrator charged with our country's highest honor- protecting our environment. Lisa McCarthy valued all of Earth's systems and it was her duty to make sure others understood such value. Under great leadership, the environmental administration was able to harmonize natural resources and industry. As the saying goes, we never know a good thing until it's gone. One day, the wealthy industry men got together and decided they did not want to pay the true cost of using the Earth's resources. So, through suspicious elections and dubious appointments, Scotty Prune was now the one tasked with defending the planet.  This was devastating to those who knew how precious the environment is. They thought surely the higher government would do more than open a window and appoint the first person they saw to be the administrator. Over time, the citizens’ concerns were repeatedly validated. Scotty Prune cared not ab...

Reading Notes: Eastern Stories and Legends Part D

A version of the Judas Tree one brother saw Image Link Notes: The Crow That Thought It Knew- Not sure what the moral of the story is but I interpret it as don't try anything just because you supposedly aren't the right species. The crow wasn't supposed to try something new I guess. The Judas Tree - Again, not sure what I'm supposed to take away from this. Maybe the sons should've been more curious instead of accepting what was given to them at the surface. The River-Fish and the Money - The brother was messing around and lost the money. The money ends up with the Bodhisattva again and is warned to not give any of it to his brother. He gives half to him anyway because it's the Bodhisattva. The Dreamer in the Wood - The Buddha just wishes for everyone to live simply and happy like him. The Rice Measure- The king was trying to be tricky and hired a fool but in the end only the expert Bodhisattva could properly do the job. This is something our governm...

Reading Notes: Eastern Stories and Legends Part C

The Buddha with an Elephant Image Link Notes: The Hawk and the Osprey - The animals created bonds that will help them survive through trials life throws at them. Grandmother's Golden Dish - Some people have so much greed in their hearts, they take out their misfortunes out on those who are unselfish. This was the first time this semester I remember seeing Devadatta. I almost forgot about him. The Elephant That Spared Life- 5 commandments = 5 precepts; someone complained to the king saying people weren't breaking the commandments therefore not buying his sinning products. The king tries to kill the Bodisat but the elephant knows how true his followers and him are and won't follow through. How the Antelope Was Caught- You should not go against your nature to follow something that is unfulfilling to the soul. The Banyan Deer- The Buddha is thought to have reached enlightenment under the Banyan tree so it's interesting that he is born as the king of the Bany...

Week 12 Lab: Storybook Research

Kamadeva Shooting Arrows at Shiva Image Link Ashoka Tree and Kamadeva Sacred Trees and Plants in Hinduism, Richa Sharma, Source Ashoka is a legendary and sacred tree in India, fascinating flower essence;  very fragrant, bright orange-yellow flowers, which later turn red; delicately perfumed flowers are used in temple decoration  very handsome, small, evergreen tree, with deep green foliage and  Ashoka can mean without grief or that which gives no grief the tree of love blossoms;  a symbol of love dedicated to Kamadeva, God of Love; he  cannot be destroyed by demons or gods and permeates the entire cosmos A Brief Guide to The Sacred Trees of India, Jyoti Jennings Roth, Source Ashoka: A Guard Against Grief water in which the Ashoka flowers have been washed is used as a protective and healing draught against sorrow also associated with fertility; the bark of the tree is used as a remedy for reproductive disorders and to restore fertil...

Reading Notes: Eastern Stories and Legends Part B

Wise Elephant Image Link Notes : The Bull That Demanded Fair Treatment- You should not let people walk all over you when you know you are worth way more than that. As the title says, you should demand what you deserve(even though I don't love that word). The Bull That Proved His Gratitude- The Bull thought that he needed to do something extravagant to help his mother out but once he did she didn't think it necessary to exhaust himself for her. She was appreciative and he stayed by her side until her death. The Horse That Held Out to the End- I interpreted this story a lot different than the Master explained it at the end. I was thinking the horse was in it for the good of the team, a good soldier ready to give it all up for the cause. The Monkey That Saved the Herd- Using a bit of innovation and wit, the Monkey King was able to hydrate his team without getting eaten by the water ogre. The Mallard That Asked for Too Much - The mallard wanted to help his family b...

Reading Notes: Eastern Stories and Legends Part A

The Buddha in a Tree Image Link Notes: The Hare that Ran Away - This one would be funny to tell from the point of view of the tree the fruit was rustling from. The tree was probably just shaking out its leaves and the hare runs away in fright. Taking a step back from a situation can provide clarity. The Monkey and The Crocodile - Another story my Mango tree could have told in the storybook. I don't understand why the monkey agreed to go across the river if he was already content with what he had. Was all this really to teach the crocodile a lesson? The Spirit That Lived in a Tree - Trees provide life to many organisms around them and when one tree is sacrificed, many more beings fall too. The tree saves itself and the Sal trees by being wholly selfless. The Hare That Was Not Afraid To Die - Another story the Mango could have mentioned. The Hare was the most virtuous of the group and was willing to offer up himself to someone who needed sustenance. The Parrot That Fed H...

Week 11 Story: Parijata

Parijata Tree also known as Indian Coral Tree Image Link From my place in the high heavens, under the watchful care of Sachi, I observed the happenings in the universe around me. Over the years I grew a fascination with Earth. The ability of its residents to both awe and disgust me was incredible. When the humans showed kindness and love, all I wanted was to experience those positive emotions with them. Sometimes when a special few had the opportunity to visit the heavens, I'd stretch my branches as close to them as possible. They were just so interesting! I wanted to tell my precious caretaker Sachi my longing to visit Earth but could never work up the courage. She was so attached to me I felt terrible to say out loud I wished to leave her side, even if it were to be a quick separation. One day, when Indra was sitting under my leaves, I requested that if such an occasion came up for me to be sent to Earth he would allow me to go. After some contemplation he agreed. We b...

Reading Notes: Shri Krishna of Dwarka Part B

A Parijata Tree that went back to the heavens after Krishna's passing Image Link Notes : Surya the Sun God comes down and visits with Satrajit; Satrajit asks to see the Sun God in in its pure form; Surya grants Satrajit a wish which was to have the Syamantaka jewel Krishna said that Satrajit wasn't quite worthy to hold the jewel so Satrajit gave it to his brother thinking Krishna was going to steal it from him The jewel passes through many hands and Krishna is accused of killing Satrjit's brother Krishna goes to clear his name and fights the bear for over 20 days; his warriors think he has been killed and Dwarka mourns Krishna returns with the jewel and the bear kings daughter; Satrajit is so embarrassed that he offers Krishna his daughter as another wife; more strife with the jewel; in the end Akrura keeps it Balarama throws a fit about the river not answering his calls about bathing him Krishna's son Padyumna is eaten by a fish and adopted by Mayadevi I...

Reading Notes: Shri Krishna of Dwarka Part A

Dwarka Image Link Notes: Vishnu decides to allow a reincarnation of himself at the insisting of Brahma and Shiva I thought Kansa killed all of Devaki's children but it says that he would let them since they weren't the 8th child (should've kept reading, Kansa does end up killing them) Vasudeva's other wife Rohini gives birth to the 7th child Balarama who is the other reincarnation of Vishnu; he will help guide the other reincarnation throughout different times in life When Kansa learned Krishna was living he order his soldiers and demons to find him and kill all male children Krishna starts his troublemaking early (write a story based on one of his pranks) Balarama and Rohini live with Krishna and his adoptive family Kansa thought if he couldn't kill Krishna maybe he could kill his greatest companion Balarama The gods are so sensitive; Indra throws a fit and makes everyone's life miserable because they worshipped someone other than him Krishna is...

Week 10 Lab: Storybook Research

Banyan Tree Image Source Research and background for the next entry in my storybook. This information is for the Banyan tree and Krishna. Link 1 This website talks about the ancient meaning and uses surrounding the tree. Generally planted in front of temples of Krishna or Shiva When the leaves rustle the deities living in the tree are the cause The botanical embodiment of the universal soul Provides fulfillment of wishes and other material gains Symbolizes longevity and Trimurti Vishnu is the bark. Brahma is the roots Shiva is the branches Link 2 The site talks mainly about a specific holy tree but it has other good general information and talks about Krishna's role a bit. Krishna delivered the Bhagavad Gita before the battle in the Mahabharata by the Banyan Krishna says "there is a banyan tree which has its roots upwards and its branches down, and the Vedic hymns are its leaves. One who knows this tree is the knower of the Vedas." The Vedas...

Reading Notes: Legends of Krishna Part B

Krishna and Radha Image Source Notes: Brahma stops by and wonders why Krishna can be such a good guy; Krishna is so confident in his own divinity that he can prank Brahma Not sure how 'kindness is the ultimate strength' came up when Krishna was trying to ride a cow Krishna learns the truth of his birth; is told he cannot marry Radha Vrindavan villagers do not want Krishna to leave them; Krishna has to talk to them like they were his children, reminding them why he has to leave with Balram Akrur sees Vishnu in Krishna The brothers make all kinds of friends in Mathura; almost forgot that Kamsa is Krishna's uncle This arena Krishna and Balram are in is very ancient Greece I think it would be nice to read a story about a normal person in India. It's almost not impressive to me that Krishna could lift the divine bow because I have no one to compare him to but all the other great figures I've read about. Krishna and Balram defeat Kamsa Ugrasen was made th...

Reading Notes: Legends of Krishna Part A

Krishna being a trouble maker Image Source Notes:  8th incarnation of Vishnu (If Vishnu is in an incarnation is he also still with the other gods?) Vasudev took Vishnu when the entire Mathura was asleep Yashoda's daughter Maya was switched out with Vasudev's son Durga appeared out of the child Maya and tells Kamsa that his fate still awaits him Everyone loves Krishna and they come from far to visit him Putana is a demon sent by Kamsa to kill Krishna, and Kamsa will continue sending demons after Krishna; even baby Krishna is able to defeat evil Krishna was a trouble maker child in the village Krishna holds the universe inside him; Brahmand If anyone was in doubt before they know for certain now that Krishna is an avatar I need Krishna to come to Oklahoma to kill the tornados Even Indra recognizes Krishna (But why did Indra not know Krishna is Vishnu?) Radha and Krishna are childhood sweethearts Bibliography: Epified, Krishna, Source

Week 9 Story: Marble

Marble Image Link Story: In New York City, Marble was the son of an important figure in the entertainment industry. Marble looked up to his father and aspired to be exactly like him. When Marble wasn't accepted into his dream university he was devastated. He thought in that moment he would never be as great as his father, but Marble thought to turn this slight misstep into an opportunity. Instead of becoming just like his father, Marble was determined to become the greatest in his own field. He sought out the legendary modeling guru Benjamin. Benjamin was uninterested in teaching Marble his ways though and sent him off. Undeterred once again, Marble decided to learn from Benjamin by doing what everyone else does. Starting with his Wikipedia page and reading through interviews and company reports, Marble quickly learned what it would take to become a modeling executive through self study.  One day some of Benjamin's interns were trying to get in touch with an up and c...